I've spent quite a few hours of my long weekend getting some things done with Zengaku. I've added a number of high resolution images so that it will look even better on the iPhone 4. I've also done a bunch of work on the iPad views and view controllers. Although that will take some time. I think the bigger form factor may require rethinking and re-designing the puzzle selection mechanism a bit. Our first update will probably be pretty simple, but a move in the right direction. I'm thinking of something split panel so that the puzzle books will be on the left and the puzzles will fan out to the right. I might see if we can have some icons associated with puzzle books and puzzles. Maybe previews of the puzzle boards themselves, but time is a factor here since I want the update to be ready by months end. I'll probably leave it at simple named lists for now.
Generally the iPad version of the game is going to look like the iPhone version with some tweaks to the images for the screen size. And probably some work on the game board layout. As well as rotational support so landscape will also work. We might enable this on the phone as well if I can get something that works well.
I found an interesting library that might allow me to quickly get Twitter and FB sharing in without too much trouble. I'm hoping those who play the game will share with others from within the app and maybe spur a few more downloads. We're also thinking of rewarding those who tweet and share their affection for the game with others.
Finally there are some game play and settings features a few people have been asking about. I have those on my todo list, but they aren't at the top. So hopefully a crap load of new puzzles will satisfy them for now. Once we get the universal application going adding the game play updates shouldn't be much trouble though.
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