So my latest gripe is going to be about checking in code in very large chunks. The reason I'm griping about this is probably obvious. But just to be clear. The process at NDS, or at least for the project I'm a part of seem sa bit heavy handed. I don't think I'm allowed to discuss the particulars of the thing, but what it comes down to is you end up with fewer checkins to the source repository that are rather massive in the number of changes they include.
This isn't really what the process is supposed to do I think. Nor is it what anyone would actually advise you doing. But what they've got is a process that makes it easier for a developer if they work that way. I've tried to mitigate things a bit by using Git locally in a local branch. This gives me the satisfaction of checking in smaller chunks of changes. But I have to admit that my discipline is lacking when I know that there aren't any CI tests being run on what I've just done, nor has anyone actually reviewed the code.
It also makes working in a team that spans 5 timezones a bit onerous since integrating changes will be done in rather large unruly chunks or better known as all at the end. This scares me. We're not there yet, but I can feel the hurt coming already. Hopefully the crazy level of design done up front will be able to help prevent some of the pain. But I'm not looking forward to it. There will likely be a follow up post on this once the event actually happens. Until then I'll just keep wincing every time I think about it.
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